The European Space University for Earth and Humanity is an alliance of the University fédérale de Toulouse (France), the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany), Luleå tekniska universitet (Sweden) and Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie (Poland). The alliance focuses on the development of educational activities and innovative collaborations in the European space sector. Reflecting European values, UNIVERSEH's objectives are to facilitate mobility and multilingualism, promote student inclusion and diversity, support interdisciplinary programmes, and strengthen pedagogical innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. UNIVERSEH encourages the thematic mobility of students and teachers, promotes cooperation between higher education institutions and facilitates interaction on issues common to the European education systems. The alliance draws on its expertise, experience and relations with industry and public institutions in the space sector. UNIVERSEH was created in 2020 as part of the Erasmus+ "European Universities" initiative of the European Commission. Together, partners have the potential to reach more than 140,000 students, researchers and staff.
To propose the most relevant courses and present European needs in the space domain, the alliance needs to identify the main competences needed by graduates you employ today and how you consider this may evolve in the years to come.
In particular, we are interested in interdisciplinary competence areas that you see as most useful in the future. We want to concentrate on the disciplinary areas outside of science and engineering, for example in economy-business-finance, medicine and health, social and human sciences, art and cultural studies, innovation patents and entrepreneurship.
The UNIVERSEH partners are committed to design an innovative employment-oriented and interdisciplinary curriculum - which will only be possible with your support and your expertise!
We kindly ask you to fill in the following form before October 8th.
Looking forward to reading your feedback,
Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
The following survey takes around 20 minutes to respond to. You are not obliged to answer all questions.
We would happy to share with you the overall analysis of the study. This analysis will not be linked to individual companies and care will be taken not to divulge individual data.
There are 30 questions in this survey.